Body fat gets a bad rap, but you’d die without it. Your body fat stores crucial energy, provides insulation, protects your internal organs and even helps hold your cells together. Fat is functional, but too much of it can be fatal. High body fat is directly related to lowering your life expectancy. The more fat you have, the fewer years you are expected to live.

The average man has between 25 to 35 billion fat cells that can fluctuate wildly in size, depending on the fat they contain. They may not be visible to the naked eye, but if you lump a few billion fat cells together, you end up with a lumpy naked guy (or gal) staring back at you with great distain from your bathroom mirror. In times of excessive weight-gain, the number of fat cells can increase to 100 to 150 billion cells and can remain constant after their formation (you have it for life) – the cells just expand during weight-gain or shrink in size weight-loss. This is why it is thought to be difficult to maintain a healthy weight after reaching your weight-loss goal.

Imagine fat cells as bags full of an oily substance called lipids, taken from the greek word lipos, which means – you guested it – fat. Clumping of these cells creates adipose tissue – which is what makes up the squishy handfuls of “spare tire” around your middle.

The concepts of increasing or reducing fat cell size is similar to banking. Deposit more than you spend and your savings account grows – meaning when you deposit more calories than your body can burn, it stores it into a “savings account” for a rainy day – when/if you need it. However, if you spend (burn rate) more than what’s in the bank (calories from food) – you become overdrawn and have to start drawing from your savings account (fat) to cover the deficit. In this case the bigger your savings account is, the more fat you have. Obviously the goal is to run lean and efficient and not have a large excess of “saved storage” waiting to be used.

Not All Fat Is The Same: White Fat, Brown Fat, Beige Fat
There are different types of fat in your body. Healthcare providers identify each type of fat by its color and function.

Matt Atwood

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Matt Atwood